Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break HW #1- Favorite blog posts

                2 of my favorite blog posts from the list were Aidan Lavis’s (810) and Isabel Arriaga’s (813). I liked Isabel’s blog post about Romeo and Juliet and if Romeo’s love for Juliet was real or just for her beauty. Also vs. versa if Juliet just loved Romeo for his looks. I liked how Isabel talked from her opinion and used textual evidence to back up her opinions. I also liked how she wrote it from both sides like how she wrote how Romeo likes Juliet just for her looks and also how Juliet likes Romeo just for his looks. I didn’t really think of this when I was reading the book. So I wanted to read more to see if this may be true. As I continued to read I started to think more about it and sided with Izzy, from the evidence form the book she showed and pointed out.
I also liked Aidan’s blog post about the book Unwind because my sister keeps telling me to read the book, but I never really understood why she wanted me to read it so badly. I liked how he made a mood/tone in his blog post like for me I felt disgusted by the whole idea of being unwound. I also liked how he described each of the 3 kid’s situation on being unwound. After reading Aidan’s blog post my thoughts changed on the book. At first I thought the book was just about 3 kids who were going to be unwound, but I didn’t know that being unwound was being stripped of your organ to give to “more important” people or people who needed those organs and each kid having a different feeling towards being unwound and what they were going to do about it. When I further read Aidan’s blog post I agreed on 1 law that was in law at the place, which was abortion is illegal. But my feelings changed about the law when I continued to read on about how a parent could get an abortion when your child is 13, but can’t be done after 18. I felt disgusted by the fact of act of being unwound and how a kid named Lev was just born to be unwound when he turns 13.
That’s when I asked my sister (which read the book already) who decides if the child gets unwound and the answer shocked me it’s the child’s own PARENTS. I asked myself even if the parents get money why would they let their own child be unwound just because of money. Why would a parent decide the child’ faith before its even born or even after 13 years of knowing their kid would they want to unwind their child. I think this is even WORSE than abortion in our time now because now people can only abort the baby before birth (which is still bad). But in this setting in the book the parent can set the child up for unwinding before birth OR the years when the child is 13 through 18.
             After reading Aidan’s and Isabel’s blog posts I would like to like Isabel write a blog post surrounding my opinion and use evidence form the book to back it up. I would also want to try to write more in my blog posts or an essay format like Aidan did. I would also like to add a mood/ tone to my posts like both Isabel and Aidan did.

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