Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coming of Age Novel: Finished (Last blog post :D )

I’m finished with Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok throughout the book Kimberly does change. At first she’s this shy girl who was unsure of what to do, but throughout the book she starts “finding” out what she wants to be and what she has to do to get there. She was faced with many hurdles from having that first love-Matt, but having that first love taken away and finding out that you’re pregnant with his son.
An event that changed Kimberly was when she found out she was pregnant with Matt’s baby “I stopped short, my hands flying to my mouth. There were the condoms. I should have known…what a stupid Idea of mine it’d been. Neither of us had even noticed.” (p.252) These few last lines of the chapter stood out since that was the moment Kimberly realized that she was pregnant and in the next chapter she starts thinking to herself how she was supposed to handle this and how this going to change the lives of people around her. She had lots of help like from her mom who instead of what Kimberly thought her mom would react instead helped Kimberly get through everything and made Kimberly feel better to keeping the baby instead of getting it aborted. Her best friend Annette has always been there for here through everything and even when times were hard like this one. Then a boy named Curt in the beginning he was Kimberly’s bully in high school, but after she stood up to him. I guess he saw that she could be a close friend and later on in the book they did become close friends, “You want me to marry you?” (p.268) Curt suggested to Kimberly when she told him about her pregnancy. He didn’t seem to be joking so at that line in the book I saw that all that Curt and Kimberly have been through Curt loved Kimberly enough that he would marry her.
All in all Kimberly’s journey has been hard like in the end of the book she talks about life 12 years later. How she ended up keeping her’s and Matt’s kid and raised him up without Matt there. She also talks about how she succeeded from breaking loose from her aunt and paying all the debt from her off, moving to a new apartment in Queens, going to Yale and becoming a heart doctor. The most important of all is that she’s now able to provide for her family and her family won’t have to worry about going cold or getting kicked out of their apartment.
Kimberly is a good role model since she never gave up on her dreams. She taught me that things that you really want in your life you can achieve. Kimberly also never stopped loving and letting more people into her life, even if that meant letting go one of the most important person who made her and got her where she is today- Matt.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age Novel: Halfway

I’m halfway finished with Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok I noticed that the main character is named Kimberly Chang. Kimberly and her mom moved from Hong Kong to New York. Kimberly had a rough time and faced many challenges which helped her gain maturity and knowledge along the way, such as having more responsibilities here than before, when Kimberly and her mom lived in Hong Kong. Some of the responsibilities that she had now and not before were translating mostly everything for her mom (since her mom’s English vocabulary was even less than Kimberly’s), having to work in the factories to help her mom afterschool, and having to do all her schoolwork and hand them in on time. Even when her apartment was freezing cold and all that’s keeping them warm was the open oven.
But on the other hand there were things and people who made her moving to NY not so bad, meeting Matt and Annette (her 2 friends who have stood by her since they’ve met). Matt Kimberly knew from the factory and had a crush on and Annette she knew ever since Kimberly entered elementary school. “I blinked. Generous, loyal Annette. Of course, her parents wouldn’t allow her to do that, but would I have, offered to do the same for her? I laid a hand on her shoulder. “You are a good friend.”” (p.107) this line popped out to me since it summed up how far Kimberly and Annette’s friendship is at.  Since Annette would want to change into a public high school instead of going to a private school -Harrison prep (a top high school, but also very expensive). This was also a touching part of the book, since it was the first time Kimberly acknowledged her friendship with Annette out loud.
Kimberly also gained knowledge that might’ve hurt her, but didn’t. She remembered her experience with a bully in her elementary school that ended up to like her. Then while in high school she used this knowledge and “helped” her. She also worked even harder knowing that the kids around her were different from her. That also helped her mature.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Break HW #3- Current Article Essay

I read an article called “Trayvon Martin case: Will Zimmerman face a jury?” and “Shooting Death of Teen Raises Questions About Florida Law” it discussed about a boy 17 year old Trayvon Martin was shot by 28 year old George Zimmerman in February. George Zimmerman is a neighborhood watch captain. Zimmerman called 911 and told the dispatcher that he saw a “black male” acting suspicious. The dispatcher told Zimmerman to ignore Trayvon but Zimmerman wouldn’t listen and went after Trayvon. Where Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon. Zimmerman said that he acted from self-defense. Now 2 months later after many protests from Trayvon’s family, Zimmerman is brought to court and facing Florida judge, Judy Woodruff. George Zimmerman should not face a jury because the public has made their opinion on George Zimmerman already and from the media’s and public influence.
            Evidence that supports that Zimmerman should not be faced by a jury is the public have made their opinion on Zimmerman already. “Thousands of people have joined rallies in New York City and Miami and civil rights leaders are planning more demonstrations in other cities.  Trayvon’s parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, addressed the huge crowd in New York nicknamed “A Million Hoodie March.” (Shooting Death of Teen Raises Questions About Florida Law) This quote supports that the public has made there decision because the public have formed protests and what if some of the protesters ended up to be in the jury then the trial won’t be necessary for them since they have made their decision already.
            The media and public influence can also play a part that Zimmerman shouldn’t be faced by a jury because people could pay off a jury person to vote the way the payer wants it to be. Also the media’s opinion and incomplete information on the case might give the wrong view to the listener and maybe jury voter (opinions). “I think the fact that we have so much social media networking now is going to play a part, because everybody's all over Facebook all over the country expressing their views on this case. So I think, as it relates to jury selection, it will play a part. As it relates to the evidence being presented in court, it will not play a part.” (Trayvon Martin case: Will Zimmerman face a jury?) This quote shows that the judge can also see that media plays a part in picking the jury voters and it’d be hard to pick the jury voters that haven’t seen the opinions on the media yet.
            Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman. But George Zimmerman shouldn’t face a jury because of the public opinion and media. Also the choice of selecting the jury voters will be a hard to do.

Links to the articles I read to write this essay:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Break HW #2- Plagiarizing

1* What did the student do wrong? What could he/she have done to include the source correctly?
The student didn’t give credit to the person who wrote the article and copied and pasted the writing as if it was their own (they plagiarized). The student could have just cited their source and add quotations or paraphrased what the writer wrote.

2* Write a sentence using the original source correctly; use a quotation or paraphrase. Also, make sure to cite correctly.
“There is a peaceful essence flowing the structures. Perhaps the cool dark colors and the fiery windows spark memories of our warm childhood years filled with imagination of what exists in the night and dark starry skies.” (A Brief Understanding of the Starry Night Paintings, by unknown author)

3* What are at least 3 ways to avoid plagiarizing?
1) Cite and add quotations to the quote
2) Paraphrase what the writer wrote
3) Summarize what your trying quote

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break HW #1- Favorite blog posts

                2 of my favorite blog posts from the list were Aidan Lavis’s (810) and Isabel Arriaga’s (813). I liked Isabel’s blog post about Romeo and Juliet and if Romeo’s love for Juliet was real or just for her beauty. Also vs. versa if Juliet just loved Romeo for his looks. I liked how Isabel talked from her opinion and used textual evidence to back up her opinions. I also liked how she wrote it from both sides like how she wrote how Romeo likes Juliet just for her looks and also how Juliet likes Romeo just for his looks. I didn’t really think of this when I was reading the book. So I wanted to read more to see if this may be true. As I continued to read I started to think more about it and sided with Izzy, from the evidence form the book she showed and pointed out.
I also liked Aidan’s blog post about the book Unwind because my sister keeps telling me to read the book, but I never really understood why she wanted me to read it so badly. I liked how he made a mood/tone in his blog post like for me I felt disgusted by the whole idea of being unwound. I also liked how he described each of the 3 kid’s situation on being unwound. After reading Aidan’s blog post my thoughts changed on the book. At first I thought the book was just about 3 kids who were going to be unwound, but I didn’t know that being unwound was being stripped of your organ to give to “more important” people or people who needed those organs and each kid having a different feeling towards being unwound and what they were going to do about it. When I further read Aidan’s blog post I agreed on 1 law that was in law at the place, which was abortion is illegal. But my feelings changed about the law when I continued to read on about how a parent could get an abortion when your child is 13, but can’t be done after 18. I felt disgusted by the fact of act of being unwound and how a kid named Lev was just born to be unwound when he turns 13.
That’s when I asked my sister (which read the book already) who decides if the child gets unwound and the answer shocked me it’s the child’s own PARENTS. I asked myself even if the parents get money why would they let their own child be unwound just because of money. Why would a parent decide the child’ faith before its even born or even after 13 years of knowing their kid would they want to unwind their child. I think this is even WORSE than abortion in our time now because now people can only abort the baby before birth (which is still bad). But in this setting in the book the parent can set the child up for unwinding before birth OR the years when the child is 13 through 18.
             After reading Aidan’s and Isabel’s blog posts I would like to like Isabel write a blog post surrounding my opinion and use evidence form the book to back it up. I would also want to try to write more in my blog posts or an essay format like Aidan did. I would also like to add a mood/ tone to my posts like both Isabel and Aidan did.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Romeo and Juliet- Capulet's letter to Juliet

Following the last last post where I wrote a letter from Juliet’s mother point of view.  I wanted to write a poem from Juliet’s father point of view because I would like to compare both of the parent’s point of views not just from one.

Dear my dearest Juliet,
            You’re my dearest and only surviving daughter and heir. You’re always going to be my girl but today Paris came by to ask for your hand in marriage. I didn’t know what to do. I told him to wait 2 more summers than you’ll be a better wife. I want you to have more time to find yourself and enjoy being a kid (teenager). But at the same time it’s almost time to let you go. I’ve seen you grown these 13 years and it’s time for you to find a fitting husband. I think that Paris is a wonderful suitor he’s counties man, related to the prince and wealthy. So you’ll be safe. I really wish I could just ask your mother but your mom thinks you should marry now. I would also want to ask you, but I’ve known you’ve always followed our instructions and I don’t want you to marry too soon just because of us. What shall I do my daughter Juliet? Should I let you be wed or let you wait 2 more summers?
                                                                                    <3 Capulet
And too soon marr'd are those so early made. 
The earth hath swallow'd all my hopes but she, 
She is the hopeful lady of my earth: 
But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, 
My will to her consent is but a part; 
An she agree, within her scope of choice 
Lies my consent and fair according voice. 
This night I hold an old accustom'd feast, 
Whereto I have invited many a guest, 
Such as I love; and you, among the store, 
One more, most welcome, makes my number more. 
At my poor house look to behold this night 
Earth-treading stars that make dark heaven light: 
Such comfort as do lusty young men feel 
When well-apparell'd April on the heel 
Of limping winter treads, even such delight 
Among fresh female buds shall you this night 
Inherit at my house; hear all, all see, 
And like her most whose merit most shall be: 
Which on more view, of many mine being one 
May stand in number, though in reckoning none, 
Come, go with me…” (1:2, 13-34)
            I wrote this letter from Capulet’s view from reading what he says in the book I could tell that he was confused and didn’t know what to do. He wanted to ask for advice, but couldn’t. I found that he told Paris to wait 2 more summers where Juliet can grow up more and become a better wife for him since she’s still young now. I also had the feeling when reading his part that he didn’t want to let Juliet go since she’s his only daughter, child and heir to the Capulets.
(Update) But then in Act 3 Capulet’s view changed. He now wants Juliet to marry Paris in 3 days. He also cursed her out. When she argued back, saying that she doesn’t want to marry Paris. He said that if she doesn't marry Paris. He’ll consider no longer his daughter (which is a lot to consider that she’s his only heir left) and put her out on the streets. This scene was shocking to me because I always thought up to this that Capulet would be the easier and more caring parent to Juliet and Lady Capulet would be the tougher and harsher one. But I was proven wrong.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Million Suns: Sequel to Across the Universe

I’m now reading A Million Suns by Beth Revis; it’s the sequel to Across the Universe. It’s still in Elder’s and Amy’s point of views. So far in the book I can see that Elder has taken over Eldest’s spot after Eldest died because Elder dumped the modified water on Eldest. This made Eldest relax, but too relaxed which killed him. Elder found out before he killed Eldest that he was a clone and never had a mom or dad, that’s why he looks so much like Orion (which Elder thought was his father). Even though Elder is now the new Eldest he still wants to be called Elder. Amy is still on the ship with Elder and their connection seems even stronger after all that’s happened. Elder telling Amy the truth that he unplugged her from her cyro chamber, Harley floating out into space (wanting to be free) and unraveling the lies and secrets of the ship that Eldest told Elder. Elder seems unsure of his actions, but sometimes shows that he’s in control and can do the same or more better job than Eldest did before he died (p.4). Amy though is also having trouble being the odd one out in the ship, without her parents and only Elder there to lean upon now (p.8). But I also think that the thing that hurt Amy the most was Elder telling her that it was him who opened her cyro chamber, she was the closest person she knew on the ship and she’ll always have that memory that she was taken out trying to survive in the cyro chamber, understanding that she’ll be living in a spaceship and maybe never be held by her parents again because of him.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romeo and Juliet- Lady Capulet's letter to Juliet

Dear Juliet,
            You’re my daughter and I don’t want to tell you what to do with your life. But Paris asked me about marrying you and I think you should marry Paris it’ll bring you good.  He’s a counties man and He’s related to the prince so he’ll protect you well. He’s also wealthy. Why can’t you see that age doesn’t matter? At your age I was already married to your father and had you. Now look at you my sweet Juliet, you’ve grown up so well. If you do decide not to marry him then how are we going to be seen to the community? I’ll tell you the family of Capulet will be known as the family that’s daughter didn’t marry because she refused to marry such a great man because she thought she was too young and not ready. Please dear Juliet realize that you should take this chance and not hesitate (before it’s gone) and don’t listen to your father saying wait 2 more summers.
                                                                                    <3 Lady Capulet
Well, think of marriage now; younger than you 
Here in Verona, ladies of esteem, 
Are made already mothers. By my count, 
I was your mother much upon these years 
That you are now a maid. Thus then in brief: 
The valiant Paris seeks you for his love.” (1:3, 75-80)
            I wrote the letter to Juliet from Lady Capulet’s view because one section form the book talks about when Lady Capulet talks to the nurse and Juliet about Paris asking Juliet to marry him. I first thought what Lady Capulet was feeling or thinking at the time then wrote this letter as if I was her. I wrote this using how I thought how she was feeling and was thinking when she was talking or was going to write this to Juliet.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Romeo and Juliet- 1:1

Dear whoever is reading,
            Today we started to read Romeo and Juliet; it was boring at times, but funny too. This book’s about 2 families that are enemies and hate each other very much. I think this because there both upper class families and there envious of each other and wants to bring down the other side. One family’s name is the Capulets the other’s is the Montagues.  The Capulets have a daughter named Juliet. While the Montagues have a son named Romeo.  So far in the book there was a fighting scene in the beginning where people from the Capulets and people of the Montagues fought and the Capulet people talked with wordplay. Then entered the Prince who separated the fight, he’s like the head of the town. There’s a part where the Montagues were talking with Romeo’s friends and they mention how Romeo has been sad about Rosaline and how she doesn’t love him back. He hides in the woods and when Benvolio (one of Romeo’s friends) saw him Romeo took off. Romeo also stays in his room all day, closes the windows and keeps the curtains closed (making the room dark like in the book Shakespeare compares it to the night all the time in Romeo’s room).  Romeo also talks about how he can’t forget her (Rosaline) or get her out of his head.  This book was confusing at first but then when you continue to read you get used to their talk and in this book there’s a definition page next to the text/ story so you can easily find out what a word means without turning a page.

                                                                                                   <3 Michelle D.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Response to Sonnet 29

1.       When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
2.       I all alone beweep my outcast state 
3.       And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries
4.       And look upon myself and curse my fate, 
5.       Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, 
6.       Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
7.       Desiring this man's art and that man's scope, 
8.       With what I most enjoy contented least; 
9.       Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
10.   Haply I think on thee, and then my state, 
11.   Like to the lark at break of day arising 
12.   From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
13.   For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
14.   That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

Sara and I read this sonnet in class and we thought it was about how Shakespeare imagined himself as someone else and wanted to that person, but when he remembers and thinks about his love he wants to stay who he is for her.

“Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope” (Line 5-7)
In the first 8 lines from the sonnet Shakespeare wrote how he wanted to become someone else.  The best example for this is in line 5-7 where he writes that he wants more hope, art and abilities.
“Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings” (Lines 11-13)
These lines near the end he starts writing about the love and memories of his love. He compares her to a lark (which is a bird) and how whenever he remembers of the memories it’s like his riches.
“That then I scorn to change my state with kings.” (Line 14)
In the last line he writes how he wants to stay who he is. Not wanting to change who he is because of his love for her. Also if he was someone else he would lose her.

          This poem taught me that even though sometimes you want to change yourself, you can't because then you remember those memories that you wouldn't have if you weren't yourself. I have those moments where I wish I could just "step" out of my body and become someone else. But then I can't cause then I'll be leaving behind all the memories I had of my own. Even if some are the worst and I want to forget those moments, but they make me who I am
          I wonder when Shakespeare wrote this poem who did he want to become. He left clues along the way like "man's art" did he want to become an artist? and when he said "...and that man's scope" did he want to become an astronomer that looks at the stars with a telescope? and who was the love that he was talking about? his wife? or his mistress?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You were here then you were gone (1st sonnet but didn't work out)

It rained when you’re here and rained when you’re gone
When I see you my heart would skip a beat
I remember when you told me you loved me
I miss your smile, your laugh and tight hold

In March you had that sparkle in your eyes
You’re not the same as I remember you
Your brown eyes no longer have that sparkle
My love wasn’t something you can play with

The mask I wear to hide my true feelings
Like a window shade to keep out the sun
Like glue once stuck stay stuck or get ripped part
Take back the broken pieces of our love

I shouldn’t have let you get too close to me
But maybe I’m better off without you

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A day gone wrong (2nd sonnet and final one)

I just woke up it was sunny outside
I opened the refrigerator door
To find a big alligator inside
It was as big as the living room floor

I screamed and the alligator jumped back
Filled 2 bowls and ate breakfast together
It was all fine til I heard a loud crack
But it was just a big broken cracker

I opened the door it started to pour
We stayed until the sky was blue like trout
I stepped onto something I don’t adore
My shoe was stuck in mud and can’t pull out

This day hasn’t gone how I wanted to (be)
First an alligator, rain then lost shoe

Saturday, February 4, 2012

3 poems due on 2/7/12

1. Artwork poem:

*Written from what I think Edgar Degas was thinking when painting Conclusion of an Arabesque (in post before)
When I imagine a ballerina
Thump Thump
Against the wooden planks of the stage
Swoosh Swoosh
Her hands moved across the stage
The other girls in the back whispering quietly
Like a team getting ready to get on the field
Her dress is a beautiful yellow
While my clothes are just a plain grey
The crowd is at awe by her perfect arabesques
And her hair done in a neat braid
She’s what comes in my mind

When I imagine a ballerina.

2. What is _________?

What is poetry?
Poetry could be something shared or something kept to themsleves.
It can make someone laugh
Die inside.

Poetry could be written or spoken.
Poetry is a story that your heart writes.
Poetry has no rules or boundaries, unless you make them yourself.

Poetry could make people fall in love or fall apart.
It can show sides of people that you never seen before,
A shy side
Outgoing side.

Poetry could be shown in a song,
It can be short

It can be about something you truly care about or something really random.

3. What happens to__________?

What happens to a dream?
Does it flourish and blossom like a sunflower in the sun?
Does it die and wither away like a sunflower without the sun?

Does it grow to be an adult giraffe?
Does it shrink to be a shirt washed in cold water?

Or maybe in the end it’s something not worth fighting for.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Artist: Edgar Degas

This artwork is called Conclusion of an arabesque and it was finished in 1877. I picked this artwork because I think it’s a good example of his work. In this piece he used oil and pastels. I noticed when looking closer at this picture that the lines that make up the bottom of the ballerina’s tutu was not strokes they look more like scratch marks. I also liked how he blurred out the background and made the main focus of the picture just the ballerina doing her arabesque on stage and her bouquet of flowers- most likely a prop.
*All the background information is from the book Degas- the painted gesture by: Jacquelyn Laumaye
Hilaire-Germain-Edgar de Gas or Edgar Degas as short was born on July 19, 1834, in Paris, France. His father, Auguste, was a banker, and his mother, Celestine, an American from New Orleans. His mother died in 1847, when Edgar was only 13. His father wanting him to one day take over the family’s legacy and wanted Edgar to become a banker like him. So Edgar was sent off to law school where he was supposed to learn how to become a banker, but instead he was more fascinated by art. Edgar Degas had many people who inspired him along the way like Louis Lamothe from the school of fine arts. Soon after his father found out and let his son follow what he wanted to do and that was art. He also got inspiration from Valpincon who was a trader that Edgar met from his father.
“But make lines. Many lines both from memory and nature.” (p.40)
This quote was given to Edgar by Ingres. Who was another person who inspired Edgar.
Edgar also signed his artworks with just his last name Degas and the invention of the camera helped him too. He took pictures of things he saw interesting then used the photographs as an example for his work. He also liked to use colors that would blend together to create a smooth feeling to the piece and he used different types of ways to make his art like pastel, sculpting with clay, and oils. His father died in 1874, when Edgar was 40. His best friend died in 1912 and soon after Edgar Degas died on September, 27, 1917, when he was 83.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Heart to Heart #2: Character changes throughout the book

As I continued to read Heart to Heart by Lurlene McDaniel I saw the changes in characters (Kassey, Arabeth, and Wyatt) throughout the book:
Elowyn died a few days after she turned 16 when she got her license she gave Kassey a pair of keys (a symbol of true trust and friendship) and on that day she also checked the box to become an organ donor. It happened when she was driving her new car on a wet and rainy night road (while texting). When she died her heart was given to Arabeth.
Kassey in the beginning she was really close to her best friend Elowyn, but when Elowyn gets into a car crash that took her life. That changed everything for Kassey she lost her best friend and now her best friend’s heart is going to go to a complete stranger. But later on she grew closer to the Arabeth (the girl that got Elowyn’s heart).
Wyatt first showed up in the book as Elowyn’s boyfriend and Kassey never came to like him because she felt Arabeth spent more time with him than her. Until the accident happened and they both found out that they could find comfort in each other over her death.
Arabeth got a new beginning after the transplant she could run and go to a normal school after it, but some things like urges from Elowyn’s heart (so believed in this book) changed Arabeth’s personality like how she had the urge to eat Elowyn’s favorite ice cream (when she never tried it), using Elowyn’s dad nickname when Arabeth never even heard him call her that and the feelings when she first met Elowyn’s loved ones as if she met and knew them so well before.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heart to Heart: Someone's loss, Is someone's new beginning (Spoiler alert)

This week I started a new book and it’s called Heart to Heart by Lurlene McDaniel, it captured my eye when I looked at its cover/size of the book and when I read the blurb it made me want to read it more. So far in the book I’ve learned that there are 2 main characters and that Lurlene McDaniel wrote this book using 2 different points of views.
One of the character’s name is Kassey and in the beginning of the book she introduces her best friend and her name is Elowyn Eden. She goes on to talk about how they met, how close they were and the key events leading up to a devastating event that killed Elowyn. Kassey was already devastated about her death until she found out that Elowyn had checked a box on her license saying to be an organ donor.
“Elowyn Eden and I became best friends. We met the summer before we were going into seventh grade…” (p.3)
“Her name was Elowyn Eden. She was my best friend. She died when she was 16 years old.” (p.47)
These 2 lines stood out to me as I read the book because the first line started the book and the second ended the first part of the book. It was like (metaphorically) a close and end to a friendship and life. This made me think to myself how to appreciate my friends more because one day they might be there for you all happy and the next day they might be gone.
The other character was introduced in the second part of the book and her name was Arabeth. She was a girl that had lost her father to a war in Afghanistan and has a sick heart and needed a heart transplant. She didn’t have friends because she had to move a lot since her father was a Sargent, but after his death her heart got worst and couldn’t go outside much or to school. There was a false alarm before (when the heart wasn’t a match), but now there was a heart that was a match to her.
“My nail beds were bright pink, not blue as they had been for years. Tears welled up. The new heart was pumping blood to my fingertips, to every cell in my body. I was alive.” (p.55)
This line from the book described how grateful she was after the heart transplant. The part where she said she felt alive was the word that stood out to me because it’s like saying before she felt as if she was dead or had no freedom, now  she can do things like she could do before her heart got sick.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Across the Universe: why all the lies?

            In the book Across the Universe by Beth Revis (that I read over the winter break) I really liked the book because it had lots of compelling moments, but also sweet and funny moments. This book takes placed on earth briefly, then a ship that’s in space traveling to another planet where is supposed to be their new home. Also the original leaders of the ship froze intelligent and well worthy people and their family to go to the new planet and run it when they get there. The book has 2 main characters that switch back and forth telling each chapter from their point of view, Amy(one of the frozen people, but was unfrozen before landing) and Eldest(next leader of the ship). Throughout this book I always thought to myself why all the lies? Throughout the book I found clues to help me answer this lingering question.
“I will never, never be the same. I have seen stars. Real stars.” (pg.140)
This quote from the book was an example of one of the lies told on the ship showed me without actually telling me that the “stars” on the roof of the keeper level is fake because elder when saying this was on the ship’s lowest level. The way he described the stars on the keeper level roof in the beginning of the book verses the way he described it after and how he added the quote showed me that he was at awe and knew that the stars at keeper level wasn’t real stars.
“The plague was not a plague. It was what happened when the leader of the ship told the people the truth how long it would take to land the ship. When they learned that they would never see planet-landing, that their children and their grandchildren would not see it, that there chance of them to see it... the ship itself almost died” (pg.335)
            This quote from the book showed what happened when the truth of the lie that they would land very soon ended up to be we aren’t going to land for a long time (250 behind schedule because of engine is getting slower). Now I kind of understand why the future leaders after this incident happened had to make up these lies it wasn’t for them it was for everyone’s safety and well-being.
            The end of the book I understood why people (the leaders) had to lie and I got to figure out using what I found in the book to help me figure out the answer to my question that I thought about throughout the book. Why all the lies?       Answered.