This book was really compelling to read. The main character is named Daelyn she’s really broken down from all the years of being bullied. The torment and embarrassment she received because of her weight mostly caused this. Daelyn had tried killing herself many times before but had been rescued or the technique didn’t work. The last time she tried to kill herself she failed and left her not able to speak and on a close watch by her parents.
When Daelyn found a website that would help her commit her maybe final suicide, she was thrilled to find people just like her and also that she only has 23 days until her Date of Determination (the day she would try to suicide herself). She discovers the Through the Light website and found it to be not like other suicide websites and discussion boards she’s visited in the past. Instead of preaching and warning her against her decision, the website provides rational and informational posts and discussions about ending her life.
Julie Anne Peters the author of this book ended the book on kind of a cliff hanger, but in the end of the book my guess of what happened was that Daelyn decided that she still had a wonderful life because now she had a friend that would stand by her side. I used evidence from the book to predict this because in the end it said (the book) that she deleted her account meaning there wouldn’t be a date of determination anymore and also she wrote a final comment to the people on the website that “fat camp is horrible don’t go, it’ll make you want to kill yourself faster” meaning she’s kind of warning people about not to go because then you might end up like her.
In the end this book really touched me and it also had a social issue about bullying gone too far and suicide thinking that’s there only way out of things, also giving up on life.